Flowers delivery Kolomiya - online store
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Flowers to Kolomiya - free
Flowers to Kolomiya - free
Kolomiya (change city)
Flowers to Kolomiya - free

Flowers delivery Kolomiya

Bouquets of roses
Price: 32 $ 43 $
Price: 43 $ 54 $
Price: 53 $ 71 $
Price: 80 $ 107 $
Price: 156 $ 208 $
Price: 52 $ 69 $
Price: 150 $ 231 $
Price: 84 $ 112 $
Bouquets with tulips
Price: 36 $ 42 $
Price: 53 $ 71 $
Price: 78 $ 92 $
Price: 118 $ 139 $
Price: 78 $ 92 $
Price: 80 $ 100 $
Price: 105 $ 131 $
Price: 117 $ 156 $
Flower bouquets
Price: 66 $ 73 $
Price: 67 $ 74 $
Fruit baskets
Price: 58 $ 68 $
Price: 66 $ 83 $
Price: 117 $ 138 $
Price: 153 $ 180 $
Price: 156 $ 208 $
Price: 204 $ 291 $
Reviews (2)
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5 / 5
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Квіти чудові, кур'єр-ще краще. Дякую, всі у захваті.

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Добрий день, спасибі за квіти та емоції!

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Just delivered:

Give your loved ones all the splendor of juicy buds, collected in a bouquet from . Our online store offers the widest choice of original floral compositions. Free flower delivery: Kolomiya and other cities of Ukraine. Now it will be even easier to please expensive people.

Roses or tulips? Huge selection at minimum prices

In the online store, you are guaranteed to find the perfect option for congratulating a person of any age and status. Magnificent roses, noble peonies, elegant orchids and tender tulips, collected in richly decorated bouquets, will certainly be enjoyed by your friends and family. Flower shop Kolomyia provides access to all colors regardless of the season and creates a lot of unique designs. Here you can buy:

  • bouquets of classical forms for women and men;
  • compositions in the form of heart;
  • baskets and hat boxes with flowers;
  • live plants in pots.

We also offer a wide range of soft toys, sweets and fruit baskets. Your relatives will be pleased to receive a gift and a non-standard flower-fruit bouquet, which will amaze everyone not only with beauty, but also with taste. The order will be delivered by courier to anywhere in the city - a great way to save your own time.
If you need to buy flowers, Kolomyia offers the ideal option - the store. Just call you to organize the best congratulations that a person you cherish will remember for a lifetime.

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