Beautiful bouquets of spray roses. If you need to buy spray roses, then you will find a huge choice. Order spray roses with delivery to your home in Kiev. We guarantee delivery on time!
This question is often asked by the customers of our store. Shrub roses differ from single-headed ones in that there is not one flower bud on one branch, but a whole small spray. Therefore bouquets of spray roses look usually more magnificent than usual.
Coloring spray roses is the most different, the most common:
The spray rose is quite resistant, so a bouquet of fresh flowers of this kind will be guaranteed to please the recipient's eye for at least 7 days. Such a bouquet of flowers is not whimsical, but nevertheless we always recommend buying a vase to a bouquet of flowers that would put a bouquet of spray roses in the water as soon as possible after the delivery of the bouquet.
In the online store 🌺 you can buy Peony and spray roses Kiev at the best prices
To order Peony and spray roses Kiev, you must leave a request on our website 🌷 and our manager will contact you to clarify the details
On the ProFlowers flower delivery Kiev website and to any other city in Ukraine - free 🤩