What to buy on Black Friday - only the latest news in the blog of the online store for delivery of flowers and gifts ProFlowers
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What to buy on Black Friday

The concept of "Black Friday" came to us from the United States, where this day is celebrated immediately after Thanksgiving. Usually this is the beginning of New Year's Eve discounts, but the most "collapse" of prices falls on "Black Friday". In 2020, Black Friday falls on November 27, but many stores offer an entire week or even a month of discounts. The sharp drop in prices is due to the sale of goods for almost the past year and the idea of ​​making good money before the New Year holidays.

How is Black Friday going in Ukraine?

 Thanks to unscrupulous sellers, in our country they do not really trust the "Black Friday" sales, this still enhances the effect of our national qualities - to look for a dirty trick in everything. Don't worry, it's not all bad! Many stores are organizing really real sales and selling quite high-quality goods at a reduced price. There are stores that empty the shelves in order to stock up on new goods or specific New Year's, someone wants to increase revenue due to a large volume of sales and full sale of goods, and someone needs to gather a large audience of buyers before the New Year holidays.

If you properly prepare for "Black Friday", you will be able to buy really good products at a nice price!

Pay attention to cashback! Cashback is a new feature of many shops and services. This will not save you money, but this way you can get back some of the money that you can spend on your next purchase. To activate funds or write them off, be sure to go through the authorization through the site or application.


How to Prepare for Black Friday?

  • Prepare a shopping list

Consider what and how much you would like to buy. Depending on the number of products, customers can make an additional discount or free shipping, group with friends or work colleagues and make a collective order. 
A pre-compiled shopping list will limit you from unplanned expenses and, accordingly, save your money.

  • Calculate your budget

Set yourself a certain budget for a specific product or for shopping in general. For example: a sweater can be bought for 750 UAH, if the discount does not allow you to purchase this purchase (the cost of a sweater is 800 UAH), you can look at another model or bargain with the seller (if the store concept allows it). Or Perhaps you can save on trousers and take them at a lower price, then a sweater can be bought at a higher price. Look at the situation, but in any case, a prepared list and a calculated budget will help you a lot.

Pay attention to cashback! Cashback is a new feature of many shops and services. This will not save you money, but this way you can get back some of the money that you can spend on your next purchase. To activate funds or write them off, be sure to go through the authorization through the site or application.

  • Track prices

You can be sure of the amount of the discount only by monitoring and tracking the prices of the goods before the day of sales. If time permits, you can track prices a month before the sale or a couple of weeks. Unscrupulous sellers can inflate prices ahead of a sale and give a "fake" discount on "Black Friday". Please note that some goods fall under the concept of "seasonality" and, for example, skis, which were not needed by anyone in the summer, may rise in price in December, such price increases are seasonal and are not fraudulent. 

  • Select store

You can also decide in advance on the store or brand (manufacturer) of the product. For example, hardware stores sell the same products but with different discounts. The price may include a different warranty and service period. Please check these details before purchasing.
Also pay attention to delivery and self-pickup availability. In some stores, additional discounts apply for pickup. The same can be the case when paying for goods in cash and by card.
Pay attention to promotional codes as well. Usually, they are sent by the stores themselves in mailing lists or posted on partner sites. Promotional codes give good discounts or free shipping.

  • Consider the delivery option in advance

If you are buying goods from another city or country, consider shipping in advance. On "Black Friday", stores may not have time to send goods on a day to day basis, and if the order comes from another country, delivery may take about a month. Perhaps you should not order gifts for the New Year and the coming holidays?

What is the best buy for "Black Friday"?

 A month later, the New Year and of course it is worth thinking about gifts for loved ones and New Year's costumes. Surely you will find great products at good discounts that your loved ones will undoubtedly expect as a gift. You can also buy New Year's decor and decorations at a good price.

Expensive things that you couldn't afford before. If you have dreamed of buying expensive equipment or furniture all year round, "Black Friday" is the time to make your dreams come true! Stores offer a wide variety of discounts and great deals for the customer. Remember: "He who seeks will always find!"

It is not uncommon for companies to make discounts on various courses and training sessions on "Black Friday". Perhaps it is on such a day of discounts that you should think about new beginnings and open your own business? Learn to drive at a discounted rate, or become an eyelash extension master at a bargain price on a training course!

Date: 10.11.2020 | Views: 2312
Author: Александра Тар
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