Flower delivery in Odessa around the clock - shop ProFlowers.ua
Odessa (change city)
Flowers to Odessa - free
Flowers to Odessa - free
Odessa (change city)
Flowers to Odessa - free

Flower delivery in Odessa around the clock

Price: 31 $ 41 $
Price: 37 $ 46 $
Price: 54 $ 72 $
Price: 76 $ 101 $
Price: 116 $ 155 $
Price: 48 $ 64 $
Price: 136 $ 209 $
Price: 65 $ 87 $
Price: 31 $ 36 $
Price: 45 $ 60 $
Price: 63 $ 74 $
Price: 93 $ 109 $
Price: 64 $ 75 $
Price: 94 $ 118 $
Price: 93 $ 124 $
Price: 48 $ 53 $
Price: 46 $ 51 $
Price: 54 $ 64 $
Price: 61 $ 76 $
Price: 88 $ 104 $
Price: 126 $ 148 $
Price: 136 $ 181 $
Price: 177 $ 253 $

Round-the-clock flower delivery in Odessa with ProFlowers - the best flower arrangements and more!

If you like pleasant surprises and are always happy to arrange a wonderful holiday for your family and friends, the ProFlowers.ua online store is just for you! The most experienced florists and designers work here, who know how to make an original bouquet for any celebration, taking into account the tastes, gender, age of the birthday person. There are also New Year and Christmas, winter and summer options. We have a wide range of not only flowers, but also all kinds of delicious bouquets: meat, vegetable, flower, candy, in a word, a huge selection of options. Orders are sent to all cities of Ukraine, including Odessa, flower delivery works around the clock.

Flower delivery in Odessa around the clock from professionals

If you are in another city or are forced to go on a business trip, but you would very much like to please one of your friends or relatives with an unusual gift, the company is ready to help you. We take delivery around the clock at exactly the specified time and day, taking into account all the wishes of the client, working hours 24/7. In the assortment of the store you will find different types of flowers, including rare and exotic plants, and our specialists are ready to provide advice on how to properly care for them so that they stay fresh for a long time.

In addition to the bouquet, you can purchase:

  •      postcards;
  •      Stuffed Toys;
  •      air balloons;
  •      perfume.

Individual orders are also accepted if the client wants to focus on the birthday person's favorite colors. Wholesale and retail trade is ongoing, it is easy to pay for the purchase with a card from any country in the world.

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Contact the operator
You can contact the operator by phone for make an order.
(067)230-67-79 call
(099) 668-75-51 call
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